Moving Safely - How to move safely

Posted by Patrick Lundgren on Tue, Jan 22, 2013 @ 03:24 PM

In a house or office move then there will no doubt be some heavy lifting and therefore some safety issues which will need examining. You don’t want to put your back out moving in the first place only to then find it impossible to unpack at the other end because you’ve strained all your muscles.

Glassware: Wrap it.  This is not just to protect the glass. If any breakages were to occur in transit then you could injure yourself when you open the box and unknowingly cut your hands on the shards. If the glass is securely wrapped then even if it does break it shouldn’t spill out into the box and become a safety hazard. Always un-wrap your glass carefully and in a well-lit area, just in case. logo removal boxes



Knives: Sharp kitchen knives present a similar risk to smashed glass and should probably be treated in a similar way. If you own a knife block then secure your sharp knives in the block and then wrap the block securely. If not, then wrap the knives as if they were fragile and be aware which end is the point when you come to un-wrap them at the other end. It might be worth packing them tightly so that they can’t pierce the box, or any other possessions, on impact, and also packing them all facing the same way for added safety.

Moving Safely

Boxes: This point is two-fold. Firstly, don’t try and handle a box by yourself if, when you are carrying it, you can’t see over the top of it or get your arms comfortably round the width. You will become a hazard to yourself and those around you as the box will not be secure in your arms and you will lose a lot of spatial awareness. This will be especially important at the other end when you will be much less familiar with the space you are moving into. Get help with moving boxes with dimensions you can’t manage. This leads into the second point, weight. If you can’t get the box from the ground without straining or an ache somewhere then get help. When it comes to lifting – lift from the legs. This is a common sense and a general health and safety point which is always being hammered home, but during the stress of moving day it may be easy to forget. Keep your back as straight as possible and bend your knees to get down to the box. Stand using the muscles in your legs to propel the extra weight upwards. When you are standing try to resist the urge to lean back too much to counter balance the weight of the box as this puts pressure on the lower back and can cause severe discomfort for a long time.

Clothing: This is more about the ideal clothes to wear on moving day, everything else should be packed up and ready to go. Wear clothes that you feel comfortable in and that you are able to move in, tight or restrictive clothes will only make things more difficult for you. It’s a fairly simple point but one that will surely make things easier and make a largely manual day a lot easier. Safety is incredibly important in any kind of manual work, especially when dealing with such a range of products to be lifting and carrying. In most cases, a removals team will be handling the most high risk jobs and they will be health and safety trained but just make sure that safety is your priority too.

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